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Battle in the Lea

"After a hard battle, Marth's Altean Army- for it had grown to be called such- set foot at least in the kingdom of Aurelis. However, joining his might to that of the Aurelians would have to wait.

As Marth descended into the vast green lea separating his troops from theirs, he heard a terrible sound: the galloping of enemy destriers, far away...then closer...Then far too close."


You will start out in a menu. First, go to Pick Units then choose all the units that you have decided that you don't like. Keep their name in grey. It is a bad idea to meet their unit limit in a battle, unless it is necessary. You do not want to have a team with balanced experience, all struggling later.

Then, exit this part of the menu and go to Inventory. Trade all the items between units and then you might want to check out the map. You can change the beginning spots of your troops by simply clicking on the two.

When you are ready, saving is a good idea. Then, hit Fight.


  1. Different weapons are made of different materials. Some are stronger than others, and thus need a higher weapon level to use.
  2. Special weapons like armorslayer, rapier, and ridersbane give you a huge advantage.
  3. Don't fight this boss with a mounted unit (cavalier ie)
  4. Keys can unlock doors and even bridges!
  5. Dracoknights are dangerously strong.

This battle looks intimidating at first. However, the enemies are easily killed Just watch the HP of your characters and don't leave a low def unit like Nabarl alone.

First action you want to do is secure the thieves so as to ensure safety to the two villages. Then, you want to eliminate the small group of enemies to the right side.

Next, take some strong units and defeat the large group of enemies in your way. Watch out for Matthis, a recruitable character, he is in the middle of the pack Recruit him with Lena.

Just keep going and then enter the village to the far left to get Merric, the powerful mage. He has a special tome called Exca- lilbur. It deals some hefty damage and can only be used by him. Merric is an overall good character, just watch his HP since his defence is low.

There is a village to the right that has 5000 gold for the taking. Kill the healing mage with whatever character needs the most exp. For the boss, just long range him to death.


HP: 22

Weapon: Ridersbane Drop: Ridersbane

Beginning Quote: "You can defy us, yes... But you will never defeat us."

Death Quote: "W...what...?"

After this, you have a choice. If you want, you can arena abuse characters or you can just continue. Note: Using this method can get you a level 20 Gordin going into next chapter. Basically, what you do is: position a healer and your character next to the arena.

Go into the arena and pay for the bid. Then, silently watch the battle. If you look to be against the odds, quickly press B before you die. You should bail out safely. Most of the time however, you will have a marginal win over the enemies. Just keep doing this and you can not only make gold but you can get much exp (for your healer too!).

Such a technique is called "arena abusing", a method used to make a FE game easier. Some people hold a grudge against it, but then again, it might be necessary to have your currently weak unit become a powerhouse. Anyway, whether you decided to arena abuse or not, just seize the gate.