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"It was the day before my fourteenth birthday. I wasn't feeling so good.

"That morning... I was on a small boat headed towards Blood Edward Island. The sea was very calm, but my heart was a storm of emotion. I felt upset and happy, excited and confused. I'd never felt that way before...

"Of course... This was because... I had just found out... that my dad is alive..."

On the boat[edit]

The intro sequence ends and you (Ashley Robins) are on a small boat (called the Martina). Facing you is a red-haired woman. Touch the talk icon. This turns the bottom screen into the picture of the woman. Explore the screen using the magnifying glass icon or by double-tapping an area of the screen. Double-tap the woman to talk to her. You now have a long conversation with Jessica about Ashley's parents and the DAS machine her dad sent her.

With the (very long) conversation now over, touch the back icon in the bottom right corner to carry on with the game - after a little more talking.

The pier[edit]

Jessica eventually walks off to look for Richard and Ashley is left facing the grumpy looking captain.

Before having a little chat to the captain, take a while to explore your DAS by touching the little DAS icon on the right-hand side of the screen (the one that looks like a silver Nintendo DS). You'll see five spinning icons but only two are available right now: the Game Save screen and your photo collection. If you want to save your game now, touch the little disk icon and choose a slot to save your game in. You can also go into your photo collection if you want - by clicking on the camera film icon - but, at this point, you'll only have the picture of Jessica. When you've finished looking, click the back icon and have a word with the captain. Face the captain and touch the talk icon. The touch screen changes to a picture of the captain. And notice the camera icon in the corner of the screen? Touch this to take a photo of the captain, if you like.

Right, if you haven't already, double-tap the Captain to start chatting. He talks for a while about Ashley's situation and then it's interrogation time again. Touch the topics of conversation to pump the captain for info about himself and the island. After you've got all the info you can out of the captain, touch the back icon. He goes on a while longer then gives Ashley a little gift. Some sweets.

Ashley's journey begins[edit]

Have a sweet if you want to, then head west. Ashley very soon, pauses and says she can't see anyone.

"I can't see anyone... Where are they?"

The top screen now changes to a scene of the boat moored next to a big tree on the beach. Touch the screen to examine this scene and touch various parts of it to get little bits of info. The info is largely useless but it helps set the scene. Carry on west, following the dirt path. You'll reach two large rocks which you can examine if you want to, then continue along the path until you reach the bridge.

The drawbridge[edit]

Ashley hears a scream in the disance and realises it's Jessica, then the draw-bridge raises by itself and we have the first puzzle of the game. Take a few steps along the bridge and the top screen changes to a close-up of the bridge. Examine this scene using the magnifying glass logo. You'll notice a rusty-looking machine with a handle. Examine it.

"The machine is rusted. What's that handle for?"

Double-tap the handle of the machine then use your stylus to turn the handle. Touch the handle and turn it in a circular motion, clockwise, until the bridge creaks open.

"Yes! The drawbridge is down! I can get to the other side!"

On Blood Edward Island[edit]

Cross over the bridge to reach the main part of Blood Edward Island. Head north up the wide, tree-lined path. Ashley calls out for Jessica a couple of times and gets a bit sad about the situation but all you can do for now is carry on up the path.

Halfway up the path, Ashley starts having regrets about the whole thing but just keep going. Eventually you reach a clearing with a large grey stone on the left of it. Examine the stone to find out that it says "Property of the Edward Family" on it.

Continue north along the path and you reach a junction and a large black gate. Examine the scene. Examine the signpost next to the gate.

It's a broken sign with some letters on it. Can you guess what it says yet? Double-tap the close-up of the sign and Ashley notices broken pieces of the sign on the ground. It's puzzle time again!

Use the stylus to move the broken pieces into place, and use the red arrows at the top of the screen to rotate the pieces. You should be able to do this in no time, but if you need to know, the sign reads "The Edwards' Mansion".

Examine the gate and you'll notice a metal box on the pillar next to it. Examine the box closely to see that it is a lock with a keypad, but it is missing a gear.

Go east, down the other path, until the scene changes. Continue north along the path until you reach a pile of brown rocks. There's no way past these rocks so just examine the scene then head east along the path between two cliffs until the scene changes. Ashley calls out to Jessica again and then gets creeped out by how quiet it is. Head east through the gateway in front of you and Ashley notices that she's in a cemetery.

The cemetery[edit]

Examine the two gravestones to the south of you. You learn that they are the graves of Thomas and Henry Edward. This will mean more later on.

Continue east until you reach the brick wall. There is a broken section of wall with a large, flat stone in front of it. Examine this. Examine the large stone slab and it's time for another puzzle.

Use the stylus (or your finger) to drag the heavy slab from left to right. The best way to do this is to touch the very edge of the left side of the stone (if you touched the right bit the stone will wobble a little) then very slowly drag your stylus left-to-right, taking the stone with it. It takes a while to get it right but once you've moved it far enough, the stone will fall over and Ashley can get through.

But, before Ashley goes through the gap, she notices a marking on the back of the stone, and then meets the mysterious "D".

Talk to "D" to find out what's going on, then touch the conversation buttons to find out more info. When you've exhausted the conversation, touch the back icon, and D will talk a little more.

Now D has vanished it's time to get moving. Head east through the hole in the wall and follow the narrow dirt trail until the scene changes. Continue along the path until you reach a junction. If you go south from here you'll just noticed the pile of big brown rocks that were blocking your path earlier - but now you're on the other side of them. Head north through the gap in the wall until the top screen changes to a huge brick wall with a double archway in it. Examine the scene if you want a few snippets of info, but there's nothing useful to learn here.

Continue north through the archways until the scene changes, then Ashley will call out to Jessica and her Dad again.

"Jessica! Dad! ... ... What is this place?"

The mine entrance[edit]

Keep going north and explore the mine entrance area for a while. You'll notice three scenes that can be examined:

  • In the centre, a mine cart with a toolbox next to it.
  • On the right, a water tower with another toolbox near it.
  • And on the left, a rusty old machine.

Examine the mine cart scene, then examine the red toolbox next to the mine cart. You'll notice a gear inside the toolbox. Examine the gear to pick it up and you now have your first useful inventory item.

Now go and examine the rusty machine on the left of the area, and Ashley will tell you that it's a rock grinder. Examine the plate (sign) on the machine and Ashley tells you there is something written on it. You then get to try and scrape some of the rust off it using your stylus but you quickly realise it's not going to work and Ashley gives you a puzzled look.

Go over to the water tower scene on the right and examine the toolbox near it. You find that there are some items inside. Examine the metal brush and Ashley will realise that she could use this to scrape the rust off the plate on the rock grinder. You'll now pick up the metal brush.

Now head back over to the rock grinder and examine it. When you see the close up of the machine, touch the inventory icon and then select the metal brush. Now use the stylus to rub all the rust off the sign, and you'll notice some writing and that strange symbol that was on the signpost earlier. When you've scraped off enough rust, Ashley will read the sign to you.

"The rust is all gone. There's some kind of message and a logo on the plate. "All gold found in this mine belongs to the Edward Company. Anyone caught stealing gold will be severely punished." So, this used to be a gold mine."

Try to memorise this symbol as you'll need it later.

Back to the gates[edit]

You now need to back-track all the way to the big black gate you saw earlier (go south, back through the archways and through the gap in the wall, then go east and keep following the path. Through the cemetery and the hole in the wall and keep going along the path, go south when you get to the junction with the big brown rocks. When you get to the next junction you should see the big gate and the signpost from before).

Examine the scene and then examine the gate (twice) to focus on the lock on the wall. When you see the close up of the lock, touch the inventory icon and use the gear on it.

"I should put the gear here..."

This lets you look closely at the lock and use the buttons on it. Use the buttons to re-create the symbol you've been seeing around the place. If you don't have clue, try this: press the right button on the top row, then press the middle button on the bottom row.

You'll now see the gate spring open.

"I opened the gate!"

Go through the gates and follow the path north. Cross the bridge and carry on until you see a small building on your left and a big gate at the end of the path.

The mansion entrance[edit]

Examine the big gate. You can see two "odd sculptures", one on either side of the gate. Examine them and you see that they are hands. The hand on the left is holding a sphere, the hand on the right is empty. Examine the right hand to get Ashley thinking. This is another puzzle for you to solve but first you need to explore the Porter's Lodge.

Go and explore the small building that you passed nearby. This is the Porter's Lodge.

The porter's lodge[edit]

"Oh! Jessica's glasses! Is she in here?"

Ashley picks up the glasses. Go into the Porter's Lodge.

Look around and you'll see three scenes that can be examined:

  • A pile of boxes to the north
  • A desk to the south
  • A white lab coat on the floor by the entrance.

Examine the lab coat, then examine the pocket (on the right side of the lab coat) to find a photo of a woman with a baby. Ashley quickly realises that it's a photo of her and her Mum, and she takes the photo.

Now go to the desk scene and examine it. Examine the row of books on the desk and you'll notice a "small card" next to them. Examine the card to pick it up. This is DAS Card 00. Ashley puts the card into her DAS and reads the message from her father.

Now examine the briefcase on the desk, then examine the piece of paper sticking out of it and Ashley will read the document and collect it.

Finally, examine the pile of boxes. Examine the box on the left and touch one of the smaller iron spheres inside it.

"This one is small enough for me to carry."

Ashley takes the sphere. In case you hadn't already realised, this iron sphere allows you to open the big wooden gates with the hands sculptures - so make you way back there.

The return of D[edit]

When you leave the porter's lodge,you notice D standing outside. Go and speak to him for a while to learn about his memories, the mansion and a girl called Franny.

After your chat with D, examine the empty hand on the right of the gate again. Now go into your inventory and select the iron sphere.

"Maybe if I put it in the hand..."

You're taken to a little mini-game where you must throw the iron sphere into the hand; it's not too tricky though. Using the stylus, touch the iron sphere and use a flicking motion to throw the sphere into the hand. It might take a few attempts to get it right, but there's no limit on the amount of tries you get. Once you land the sphere on the hand, the gate opens. Time for another little chat with D, and then the mini-quiz that will happen at the end of every chapter.

End of Chapter Quiz #1[edit]

At the end of each chapter Ashley goes over what she's learned to try and make sure she remembers it. This is basically a mini quiz about the events of the chapter. But don't worry if you don't remember all the details because you get unlimited chances to get right answers. If you want to play for yourself, skip this next section as it contains all the questions and their answers.

Question 1

A few days ago, I got a letter from my father. Before that, I believed that he had died when I was three. Using the letter, I tracked him to the island, but when we arrived, he wasn't there. The first person who went to look for him was...

  • A - Ashley
  • B - The captain
  • C - Jessica

Answer = C

Yes, Jessica left me at the pier and went into the woods. But when she didn't come back like she said, I went to find her.

Question 2

In the past, there was a wealthy family that lived on this island. But they died of mysterious causes, leaving the island empty. The name of the family was...

  • A - The Edwards
  • B - The Robins

Answer = A

Yes, it was the Edward family.

Question 3

While looking for Jessica and Dad, I wandered into the cemetery. Inside, there were the Edwards' family graves. The names on the graves were...

  • A - Richard and Sayoko
  • B - Henry and Thomas
  • C - Franny and Jessica

Answer = B

Yes, the graves belonged to Henry and Thomas.

Question 4

After I moved a big stone slab from a hole in the cemetery wall, I met a ghost named D. At first, ID didn't have any memories of his life. But when he talked to me, he remembered something. It was...

  • A - The name "D"
  • B - The mark on his chest
  • C - About his father

Answer = C

That's right. D remembered his father when we were talking. Specifically, he remembered that his father had died. I came to this island to meet up with Dad, but I still haven't found him... When I see him,I want to ask him why he disappeared, why he's on this island, and, most of all, I want to ask him if Mum is still alive.

Question 5

I found Jessica's glasses by the door of the porter's lodge. I went inside the lodge looking for her. There, I found a DAS card containing a message from Dad. I also found a briefcase in the porter's lodge. Inside the briefcase, there was...

  • A - Sayoko's photo
  • B - An iron sphere
  • C - A metal brush
  • D - An essay cover

Answer = D

That's right. In the briefcase was the cover of a research report. Mum and Dad's names were on it. I don't understand. What is "Another"? There are still so many things I don't know. That's why...I need to find Dad. Is he in the mansion on the other side of the gate? OK... Now I won't forget.