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Wi-Fi Menus and Options

One the main Wi-Fi menu, you have four options. You can select find game and move on from there, Friends and Rivals, edit your friends and rivals or Configure W-Fi.

Find Game

The find game menu has two settings for finding players to battle. Before moving on, you must select the region that you would like to play in and to single out players close to your rank or just battle anybody.

Friends and Rivals

This menu allows you to see which of your friends and rivals are online, any available games from your friends or rivals or you can create your own game.

Edit Friends and Rivals

Here, you can view your friends and rivals' hunter's Licenses and your own Hunter License. Here you can add friends, remove rivals and change or edit your name.

Wi-Fi Rules


Play on Wi-Fi has a few simple rules:

  1. Each match is a total lengh of seven minutes
  2. The point total of a Wi-Fi match is always seven.
  3. If a player below your rank gains a kill and you have none, you will have to get two kills to get back above the player below your rank.

Ranking Pints Rules

For the ranking system there a few rules:

  1. If you lose against some one below your rank, you lose two ranking points
  2. If you lose against some one your rank, you lose three ranking points and they gain three ranking points
  3. If you lose to some one above your rank, you lose nothing