Adventures of Lolo/Passwords

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Passwords are composed of a four-letter code, from a limited alphabet. The passwords are generated based on the level and follow a simple pattern. They are base 16 numbers using the alphabet BCDGHJKLMPQRTVYZ. The password is divided into two portions; the left two digits and the right two digits. Starting from the initial password, add 1 to the left two digits, and subtract 1 from the right digits to generate the next level's password.

While you regroup within the 2-digit set, both of these portions are independent.

Floor 1
1-1 BBBV
1-2 BCBT
1-3 BDBR
1-4 BGBQ
1-5 BHBP
Floor 2
2-1 BJBM
2-2 BKBL
2-3 BLBK
2-4 BMBJ
2-5 BPBH
Floor 3
3-1 BQBG
3-2 BRBD
3-3 BTBC
3-4 BVBB
3-5 BYZZ
Floor 4
4-1 BZZY
4-2 CBZV
4-3 CCZT
4-4 CDZR
4-5 CGZQ
Floor 5
5-1 CHZP
5-2 CJZM
5-3 CKZL
5-4 CLZK
5-5 CMZJ
Floor 6
6-1 CPZH
6-2 CQZG
6-3 CRZD
6-4 CTZC
6-5 CVZB
Floor 7
7-1 CYYZ
7-2 CZYY
7-3 DBYV
7-4 DCYT
7-5 DDYR
Floor 8
8-1 DGYQ
8-2 DHYP
8-3 DJYM
8-4 DKYL
8-5 DLYK
Floor 9
9-1 DMYJ
9-2 DPYH
9-3 DQYG
9-4 DRYD
9-5 DTYC
Floor 10
10-1 DVYB
10-2 DYVZ
10-3 DZVY
10-4 GBVV
10-5 GCVT