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This strategy is mainly aimed at Hardcore Team Deathmatch which favors a more strategic approach, or "camping" if you like. Players on hardcore that can move around and rush the opposing team successfully are rare. They may accumulate a high kill total, but will likely also rack up lots of deaths. If your goal is to win the overall round on the map, then I find you're better off having mostly campers with only your best rushers on the move.

Creek is one of the maps on COD4 where the spawn is crucial. If you hold the high ground at the end of the map with the buildings and keep it, you'll likely win the map. Here's a strategy my full parties employ that has been extremely successful on Creek for Hardcore Team.

As quickly as you can at the start of the match set up in the following locations:

  1. 1-2 people covering the cave. We usually place claymores at the cave entrance near the other spawn's entrance and then place one person in each end to cover both entrances in case somebody advances through the creek.
  2. One person back in the spawn area to catch people who make their way across the map successfully via the route that passes the waterfall. This person can set up somewhere near the gazebo behind the houses.
  3. One person on your side of the ridge near the large boulders to counter-snipe their grassy knoll sniper area and to catch people trying to cross the creek by the waterfall. Another good spot for this is in the attic or on the roof of the house with the attic because you can then assist with enemies that advance into your spawn either from the creek or via the back path by the waterfall.
  4. One person on their side of the ridge next to the large rock formation near the plank bridge connecting to the deck on the farmhouse. We usually try to place a claymore on the path facing their spawn in case they advance too close. This person will help snipe the far end of their ridge as well as the creek bed down towards the waterfall. They can also turn and take out enemies that successfully make their way through the cave.
  5. Your last party member can run around and kill enemies (as long as they are careful not to advance too far into the enemy spawn) or they can assist in one of the other areas if they wish.

If you are unlucky enough to spawn at the other end of the map, do whatever you can to take over the other spawn and then set up as described above. If your enemies are smart and employ a strategy such as the one listed above this can be very difficult, but with a coordinated effort and good aim you should be able to punch a hole in their defenses and achieve the high ground.