Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation/VS. Mortamor

From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

Note: Because this Boss Fight is one of the hardest in the game, a link has been provided to demonstrate the instructions of this page:

Dragon Quest VI - Mortamor with Luminary (StrategyWiki Guide) (20:19)
Dragon Quest VI - Mortamor without Luminary (StrategyWiki Guide) (19:23)

This fight is so long, Mortamor's attack patterns are so complicated, and his attacks are so wildly different between phases, that it's hard to really give a good strategy without going through it turn-by-turn. This is why the two videos have been provided. Use those as your primary "walkthrough". Use the notes here only to remind yourself of the highlights.

VS. Mortamor (Round 1)[edit]

Recommended Level: Lizzie Lvl 9, Carver Lvl 30, Terry Lvl 27-35, Rex Lvl 29
Recommended A.I. Settings for Party (Both Versions): Follow Orders
HP: 2000
MP: Infinite
Item: N/A
Attack: 290
Defense: 250
Agility: 150
Gold: N/A
Attack Pattern A: Searing Flames [168-188 Fire Damage to All; bypasses Insulatle and cannot be reduced below 103 by Defend or resistances] or Frigid Ice [124-134 Ice Damage to All; bypasses Insulatle and cannot be reduced below 64 by Defend or resistances] → Attack or Attack while Laughing [1.25x Damage] → Bounce or Proceed to Pattern B
Attack Pattern B: Venom Mist [induces "Envenomated" status] or Disruptive Wave [if you have buffs up] → Kaboom [95-115 Bang Damage to All] or Energy Balls [two hits that each deal (Attack/2 of blockable Damage + 67 of unblockable Damage)] → Meditation [restores 500 HP] or Proceed to Pattern A
A.I. Pecularities: 50% chance of attacking twice per round; but can attack up to three times when transitioning from one attack pattern to another.
Resistances: No resistance to Frizz or Zap, 30% reduction of Bang and Woosh, 50% resistance to Drain Magic, 70% reduction of Sizzle and Fire, Immunity to Everything Else


  1. Use Sage's Stone at every opportunity, even if your party is at full health
  2. Have Terry equip the Hela's Armour if the party is at, or close to, full health. It will drop his Agility to 0, and guarantee he goes after Mortamor.
  3. Have Terry remove the Hela's Armour if the party is hurt. The Meteorite Bracer will max out his Agility, and ensure he goes before Mortamor.
  4. Swap everyone out except one character out any time Mortamor ends his turn with "Bounce", "Disruptive Wave", or "Venom Mist". Otherwise, you might eat two AoEs in a row.
  5. Use Antidotal Herbs or Squelch if you are envenomed.
  6. This form is practically immune to Knuckle Sandwich. Don't use it.

VS. Mortamor (Round 2)[edit]

Recommended Level: Lizzie Lvl 9, Carver Lvl 30, Terry Lvl 27-35, Rex Lvl 29
Recommended A.I. Settings for Party (Both Versions): Follow Orders
HP: 3000
MP: Infinite
Item: N/A
Attack: 410
Defense: 300
Agility: 90
Gold: N/A
Attack Pattern A: Charge [150-180 unblockable Damage] (33.33%), Attack (16.66%), Defending Champion [reduces most attacks to 10% Damage], Buff (16.66%), Proceed to Pattern B (16.66%)
Attack Pattern B: Kasap or Oomph [even if he already has it up] → Roundhouse Kick or Mercurial Thrust → Scorching Flames [150-170 Fire Damage to All] or Proceed to Pattern A
A.I. Pecularities: 50% chance of attacking twice per round; but can attack up to three times when transitioning from one attack pattern to another.
Resistances: No resistance to Knuckle Sandwich, Frizz, Bang, Woosh, or Zap, 30% reduction of Sizz, Fire and Ice, 70% reduction of Crack, Immunity to Everything Else
  1. Raise everyone's Defense as high as you can via Buff & Kabuff.
  2. Buff & Oomph signal that he's entered Pattern B.
  3. Mortamor will cast Buff & Oomph on himself, even when it's useless to do so.
  4. Beware if Mortamor ends a turn with Buff or Oomph. It means a potential double AoE turn.
  5. On the flip side, be grateful if he ends a turn with Scorching Flames. It means he can only attack you with Mercurial Thrust or Roundhouse Kick.
  6. If on the SNES version, Carver should stay away from Focus Strength + Hela's Hammer. A bug makes it so Oomph + Focus Strength + Hela's Hammer will overflow; causing it to wrap around to single or double digit damage, instead of what it should be.
  7. Keep track of Mortamor's HP. You don't want to be injured walking into Round 3.

VS. Mortamor (Round 3)[edit]

Right Hand The hand on the left side of the screen (from your perspective)
Recommended Level: Lizzie Lvl 9, Carver Lvl 30, Terry Lvl 27-35, Rex Lvl 29
Recommended A.I. Settings for Party (Both Versions): Follow Orders
HP: 1700
MP: Infinite
Item: N/A
Attack: 330
Defense: 180
Agility: 70
Gold: N/A
Attack Pattern: Attack (16.66%), Slam [(Attack/2) of blockable Damage) + 150 of unblockable Damage] (16.66%), Knuckle Sandwich [2x Physical Damage] (16.66%), Disruptive Wave [if you have buffs up] (16.66%), Multiheal [only when low on HP] (16.66%), Zing [if Mortamor or Left Hand are dead] (16.66%)
A.I. Pecularities: None
Resistances: No resistance to Knuckle Sandwich, Frizz, Bang, Zap, Fire, or Ice, 30% reduction of Sizz, Crack, and Woosh, Immunity to Everything Else
Mortamor The giant head in the center
Recommended Level: Lizzie Lvl 9, Carver Lvl 30, Terry Lvl 27-35, Rex Lvl 29
Recommended A.I. Settings for Party (Both Versions): Follow Orders
HP: 2500
MP: 254
Item: N/A
Attack: 300
Defense: 340
Agility: 120
Gold: N/A
Attack Pattern A: Lullab-Eye [Puts one PC to sleep; cannot be resisted] → Raging Roar [120-150 unblockable Damage to All] → Kafrizzle [120-140 Frizz Damage] → Disruptive Wave [if you have buffs up] → Freezing Blizzard [120-140 Ice Damage to All] → Proceed to Pattern B
Attack Pattern B: Pyre o' Fire [170-190 Fire Damage, but has a 1/3 chance of failing] (16.66%), Kafrizzle [120-140 Frizz Damage] (16.66%), Kaboom [95-115 Bang Damage to All] (16.66%), Magic Burst [200-220 Fire Damage to All; used only at half HP. Can be resisted by armour, but Insulatle has no effect on this move] (16.66%), Recover All MP [used only if at 0 MP] (16.66%), Proceed to Pattern A (16.66%)
A.I. Pecularities: Attacks once per round in Pattern A; 50% chance of attacking twice in Pattern B
Resistances: No resistance to Fire, 30% reduction of Frizz and Zap, 70% reduction of Sizz, Bang, Crack, Woosh, and Ice, Immunity to Everything Else
Left Hand The hand on the right side of the screen (from your perspective)
Recommended Level: Lizzie Lvl 9, Carver Lvl 30, Terry Lvl 27-35, Rex Lvl 29
Recommended A.I. Settings for Party (Both Versions): Follow Orders
HP: 2000
MP: Infinite
Item: N/A
Attack: 270
Defense: 180
Agility: 180
Gold: N/A
Attack Pattern: Kazing [if Right Hand or Mortamor are dead] (33.33%), Attack (16.66%), Slash [1.25x Damage] (16.66%), Slam [(Attack/2) of blockable Damage) + 150 of unblockable Damage] (16.66%) (16.66%), Disruptive Wave [only if you have buffs on your party] (16.66%), Backdraft [reflects all breath attacks if they are used] (16.66%)
A.I. Pecularities: Inverted Targeting (SNES only) and Concentrated Targeting
Resistances: No resistance to Knuckle Sandwich, Zap, Fire, or Ice, 30% reduction of Frizz, Bang, Crack, and Woosh, 70% reduction of Sizz, Immunity to Everything Else
  1. Kaclang is the only way to make this fight 100% consistent, as it allows you to skip all of Pattern B, and everything nasty about Pattern A. Otherwise, there will always be a small chance the fight goes off-script
  2. Swap everyone out except one character on the 2nd Turn in Pattern A! Raging Roar always comes that turn!
  3. Carver should Focus Strength on the 3rd Turn in Pattern A, and Knuckle Sandwich the Left or Right Hands on the 4th Turn.
  4. Oomph should be established on Carver on the 3rd Turn, as well. It ensures that Mortamor uses Disruptive Wave instead of Freezing Blizzard on the 4th turn.
  5. If Amos has it, he should cover Carver with Selflesness on the 4th Turn, so Disruptive Wave doesn't take Oomph off Carver.
  6. Ashlynn, if at the recommended job class & level, will do ~298 Damage via Magic Burst on the SNES version, and ~447 Damage on the remakes. Plan Magic Burst out accordingly; you only get one shot at it.
  7. You should kill the Left Hand first, then the Right Hand, then Mortamor himself. The hands have revival spells, while Mortamor does not.
  8. Remember the Kerplunk Bracer! It fully heals & revives everyone in the party once the wearer dies! Use it strategically!
  9. Healie should spam Omniheal on nearly every turn if he has it. The beginning of this fight is by far the most dangerous.
  10. Be wary of Mortamor's own version of "Magic Burst" once the head is the only one left. It's 200-220 Fire Damage to the party, though armour will reduce the damage.