Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time/Gameplay

From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

This title is a point and click experience. Move your mouse cursor around to find things popping out, ready to be clicked on to for something interesting to happen. Do keep a keyboard around, since certain elements require typing, among other things.

You can also use the keyboard to quickly navigate the experience.

Keyboard shortcuts
Key combination Action
Shift + Esc Instantly exit the application
Esc Instantly return to the brain
Shift + L Go to the Loonatorium
Shift + T Go to the Exploding TV Room
Shift + G Go to the Portrait Gallery
Shift + C Go to the Corridor
Shift + D Go to the Pythonizer
Shift + B Start the Chicken Game
Shift + P Start the Pig Game
Shift + W Start the Gopher Game
Ctrl + R Toggle restricted mode