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Once you obtain the five Card Fighter Clash coins, NeoGeo World is the first destination that you gain access to in Tokyo. The you arrive at the lobby. From here, you may walk to the right and visit the game room, or follow the yellow arrow on the floor to the tournament room. There are two opportunities to obtain rare Action cards in NeoGeo World.

  • The two girls standing next to the red "No Fate" arrow in the middle of the lobby are talking about finding a Morrigan card. The girl on the left will offer to give you a card if you will trade a spare Morrigan card with her. If you agree, she will give you the S-Rank Tri-Quiz action card.
  • In the game room, try one of the crane machines in the back. If you answer the instruction questions in just the right way, you can obtain the S-Rank Shadow action card. See Rare cards for more information.

To proceed with your quest to become this year's Card Fighting Clash champion, visit the tournament room above the lobby.

When you first arrive here, you will see a group of spectators gathered around a Card Fighters Clash table, with three other challengers who are vying to win the semi-finals. You will be pitted against them in a 3000 hit point battle. Who you face will be determined by the version you are playing and the avatar you selected. Regardless of who you must defeat, their decks will be very tough to beat, containing numerous A and S ranked cards, with fighters that possess great amounts of BP. While it's possible to overcome them with strategic play, it will be tough to win without a good amount of high BP fighters of your own.

If you're not in possession of such cards, it is important to fight against other players in Osaka to build up your deck, as well as visiting Sylphy in The Lost World and Lad in Joy Joy to trade away cards you no longer need for better cards. Remember that you cannot put more than three of any card in your deck, so unless you are intentionally maintaining more than one deck, any instance of a card beyond the third has no value in combat and can be safely traded away.

If you lose any of the three fights, you will be ejected from the semi-finals, but you will always have the opportunity to try again from the beginning. If you successfully defeat all three opponents, the second destination in Tokyo will open up: the Airport. From there, you will be flying to the SC Hotel in Las Vegas.

After winning the Semi-finals[edit]

Once you win the semi-finals, NeoGeo World opens up and offers a bit more to explore. Particularly, the room where the semi-finals tournament was held becomes an auction house. It is possible to obtain four different S Rank card here by offering up several (and rather valuable) B Rank cards from the same franchise (i.e. to obtain a rare SNK card, you must be able to part with several B Rank SNK cards). If you happen to lose an auction (or simply don't have the necessary cards available), the auction will cycle through various cards and ultimate return to the card you missed out on until you win them all.

Additionally, there is an interesting man standing in the upper left corner of the room. His name is Nishi, and he is believe to represent Takashi Nishiyama, credited as the creator of the Fatal Fury series and the Art of Fighting series. You can challenge him to a 3000 hit point, 5 card reward battle. If you're playing the SNK version, he will award you a very powerful card the first time that you beat him. The interesting thing about Nishi is that he only rewards SNK character cards, so he's a good opponent to fight if you're looking to fill out gaps in your SNK character card collection.

On the opposite side of the room, in the upper right corner, is an escalator to another room, but a staff member will prevent you from exploring it until...

After beating the game[edit]

After winning the championship, you will be given access to the escalator in the upper right corner, which will whisk you away to a new room called the Pao Pao Cafe. This is a direct reference to the cafe of the same name in the Fatal Fury series. Inside, you can chat with several people about the game, and challenge some difficult fighters for the chance to win more cards. In particular, you may run into Mask at the bar, and seated at the lower Clash table will be your rival, the one you defeated in the championship. You rival will offer to challenge you to a duel with an unusual rule: You will combine your decks to make new unique 50 card decks. This makes the battle a little less predictable since you don't know which cards from your deck will become your opponent's, and which of your opponent's cards will be in your deck. After the battle concludes, all cards go back to their respective owners.