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Cleanup required: merge arcade info

New enemies[edit]

  • Blue Foot Soldier: fortunately for you, they don't do much more than purple Foot soldiers. Get rid of them quickly and move on.
  • Dynamite Dude: you'll need to get in close to take care of this fellow, since the bombs will land a few feet away from him. If you get up in his face, they'll sail overhead and you can take care of him at your leisure. It's also very easy to jump around and cause them to throw dynamite, and then attack them while they are stuck in their throwing animation.
  • Yellow Boomerang Foot Soldier: The yellow species of Foot Soldier will attack from afar with these neat little weapons. You can destroy the rangs, but don't worry about them if they're across the screen, since their range is somewhat limited.
  • Lazy Foot: identical to blue Foot soldiers (with only a difference in color), they move around a lot but don't really ever attack. They're also very rare, unfortunately.
  • Hammer Foot soldier: the guys with the giant mallets can cause problems if your guard is down. Just remember that if you hesitate even a bit, they'll flatten you. If you're standing right next to them or if you jump before they swing, they'll miss you.
  • Mouser: these annoying little critters will clamp their jaws on your hand, forcing you to mash buttons until they let go. They'll drain your life pretty fast, too. On the upside, they'll explode when you manage to get away.

Dangerous objects[edit]

  • Manholes: you'll find these pitfalls strewn throughout your adventure. Falling into them causes your turtle to say something stupid along with a minor loss of health.
  • Missile: an unseen foe will shoot these projectiles at you. They're a good source for points, since you can do some light housework while you destroy these no-brainers.
  • Bars: you'll find the nonalcoholic variety in the sewers, crushing down from the ceiling. It's unclear exactly why this is here. It's not tricky to avoid, either.

Streets of New York City[edit]

After pursuing Shredder, you'll end up in the picturesque New York City ghetto. Hey, wasn't it dark a few seconds ago? You'll find more of the same Foot Soldier action in this stage, which means it isn't too difficult. You can return any manhole covers thrown at your head by hitting them like you would any projectile. Be warned, though, as you won't be rewarded that one point if you use this technique to take out your attackers. This holds true for any projectile objects, including the parking meter and fire hydrant. You'll get an extra point for slashing the meter, so you can sleep better tonight.

Look out for the wily Dynamite Dudes. If there're two or three on the screen, you're almost sure to take some damage. It's risky to use the Special, since somebody else's bomb can blast you before you recover. You'll find your first Pizza Slice on the terrace just after the mad bombers. You'll of course want to eat food that's been sitting there for God knows how long, since it replenishes your health completely. If two are playing, make sure the less healthy feller gets it. Past the pizza, some scantily clad girl will go by on a skateboard. If you try to decapitate her with your weapon, you'll get an extra point. She doesn't really seem to have any other apparent purpose in the game.

The vertical section will throw four sets of Soldiers at you. They're small bands and not hard to defeat, but the fact that they're grouped so close together and that somebody makes a suicidal drop out of a window each time deserves some mention. Just know they're coming and you won't have any hardships. When the path heads right again, stick to the bottom to avoid getting crushed by the guys that pop out from behind the Pizza Hut signs (is this symbolic somehow?). After a couple more groups of soldiers you'll be ambushed by another Boss.

Arcade info to integrate[edit]

As you start the level purple Foot Soldiers burst out of the windows while others rush on the screen. This level introduces the yellow boomerang Foot Soldiers as well. The level only has both Purple and Yellow Foot Soldiers.

Purple Foot Soldiers emerge from manholes and throw the cover at you, while yellow Foot Soldiers hide behind billboards which drop on top of you. The level also includes Parking Meters which you can slice and send into the direction of enemies as well as Fire Hydrants which take 3 hits before exploding water over your enemies, killing them.

This is the only level with vertical scrolling apart from the Technodrome elevator which has a similar idea.

A TV screen in a TV shop also appears with April on it who screams "Help meeee!" which then Shredder appears and says "Tonight I dine on turtle soup".

The boss of the level is Bebop, who arrives by falling on top of a smashed up yellow car before saying "You're dead, shell-brain!" to which the turtles reply "They ain't getting any prettier!" to which Bebop replies "Watch your mouth, slime ball!". Bebop attacks with a charge attack which he uses much more than Rocksteady. He also has a ray gun which shoots sonic rings and also has a nasty uppercut. Upon defeating him the Turtles jump down a nearby manhole.

Boss: Bebop[edit]

Pretty much the same attack pattern that put down Rocksteady will work on Bebop. He can be a lot harder since he tends to charge more, but if you know how to deal with this, it's not a problem. Start it off by kicking him (make sure you hit HIM and not his gun, since that will sometimes knock you back), and jump away, kicking again if he doesn't dash. If he does start his running animation, kick in the opposite direction from him. You should touch ground just in time to leap over him as he passes you. Be careful, since his uppercut can knock you out of your jump kick. For the most part, though, this strategy should win for you. Keep in the air as much as possible, since his laser rings and charge attack can both hit you twice if he's close. Also try not to get pinned against the car in the corner; if you slide down the wall after you're knocked down (notice how you slide on thin air above the car), he'll have another move ready to blast you back as soon as you become vulnerable again.

Sewer System[edit]

You'll jump down the manhole after you win, entering the sewer level. This is a very simple and straightforward area, so you won't have much of a problem dealing with the various Foot cronies you encounter. Stay out of the water when you find the Wimpy Ninjas, though, because that's where the Missiles will appear. You can take care of them easily after everybody else is gone. If you're going it alone, you'll be getting your first bonus life somewhere around here. The Mousers should be dealt with using Specials, even though a jump kick works in one hit. They'll all get out of the hole if you take too long, and they can actually be somewhat dangerous. Watch for shadows if you're fighting in the drink, since that means a Foot Soldier of some sort will be popping out. Also, be careful jumping in the water to get around the barred gate, or your ass will be plastered by a Missile. Just a little further in this repetitive stage, you'll meet the final boss.

Arcade info to merge[edit]

After jumping down the manhole, the Turtles land in the sewers. Along the level, they can either take the high ground, or lower ground along the sewer water, which Foot Soldiers often jump out of. About halfway through the level, Mousers will break out of the wall and attack the Turtles, while missiles will begin shooting out of the water. After battling through the sewers and reaching a dead end, Baxter Stockman appears in a ship, yelling "Yippee-I-Ay!" and drops mousers on the Turtles. The Turtles must jump attack to hit Baxter, as he never descends to ground level. Baxter doesn't have any methods of attack other than dropping Mousers, though his machine is hard to hit as it moves quite quickly. One has the option to completely ignore Baxter and focus on killing the Mousers (each worth 1 point, the same as Baxter). When he runs out of Mousers he will just fly away, and the Turtles then jump out of the sewers.

Boss: Baxter Stockman[edit]

This battle's incredibly easy, since the small machine this guy hovers about in can't hurt you directly. Instead, he'll drop an unlimited amount of Mousers, which can get in the way if too many of them are on the ground at once. This can also mean a nice addition of points, but who really cares about that?

Basically, if you stand in one spot and Special Attack like crazy, this guy will be gone in a minute. You'll also take out any Mousers approaching from the front. Plus, if Baxter's sprite is overlapping yours, you'll hit him twice, which is good damage. Enjoy the break on this fight, because there's no one else quite like him.