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Max No. of Player Operators 1
Total Armor/Health Points 300
Movement Speed Fast
Air / Ground Air
Classification Scout

The Raptor is a dedicated air vehicle which as the appearance of a sleek fighter. It is not as fast as one might think, however, and reacts slowly when starting out and changing direction.

It is lightly armored. Raptors are fairly easy targets for most ground forces.


Normal movement keys are usable from the pilot position to move forward, backward, left or right. Holding the jump key causes the Raptor to gain altitude, using the crouch key lowers the Raptor.

Primary Fire[edit]

Primary fire is a plasma cannon that hits for low damage, and takes a few moments to begin firing from the instant the firing button is pressed. Once engaged, the cannon fires rapidly.

Secondary Fire[edit]

Secondary fire is a slow-firing missile that reacts as a "fire-and-forget" homing missile on Manta ground craft and other Raptor aircraft. It has a wider turning circle than an AVRiL rocket.

Strategies & Tactics[edit]

  • Fly low; being the tallest thing in the sky means all enemies will see you and can shoot at you
  • Watch your HUD for warnings of locked in AVRiL rockets or another Raptor's missiles
  • Fellow Raptor missiles can be evaded by flying basically toward them and veering either left or right
  • AVRiL rockets will continue to track as long as the enemy keeps the lock on, so you have to break line of sight or get the rocket to hit an obstacle to evade it
  • Take out heavy armor such as Goliaths and Paladins by flying directly over them (where they cannot target you) and using the primary fire
  • They are useless against Cicadas; feign a dogfight, land sneakily and whip out a shock rifle -- or even better, land by a turret and use that if up against a Cicada
  • When attacking another Raptor or a Manta, try to fire your missiles when they are moving away from you, which makes your missile harder to evade