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File:KotORII Map Czerka Offices.png
Map of Czerka offices

Residential Module 082 East[edit]

The droid B-4D4 greets you on entering from Residential 082 East:

B-4D4: Good day. I am B-4D4, administrative assistant for Czerka Corporation's Citadel Station Branch. How may I help you?

Reception is on the top right side of the Czerka offices, where B-4D4 stands behind a desk by the bottom wall, opposite the entrance: this wall divides reception, whose bottom part is beyond its right end, where the offices are through the doorway in the bottom left corner. These offices are populated by three mercenaries, and female and male Czerka employees:

I hear Azkul's been paying mercenaries to go to Dantooine. Can't figure out why anyone would need mercenaries for a planet full of farmers. A lot of us are tempted to go, though. Azkul might not be a good guy, but for enough credits, any risk is worth it. Haven't had much easier contracts than Czerka, though. We spend most of the time standing around. Could use a few more credits, though.
I'm glad that Czerka put a capable woman in charge of the project. I've got every faith she'll do things right. I'm worried about the mercenaries we've been hiring. They outnumber the CSD, so if they ever get out of line, we might be in trouble. The hours are terrible and the pay isn't much better. Still, having a solid job in these times is something to be thankful for.
Lorso isn't the most popular executive I've worked under, but I'll say one thing - she gets the job done. I wish the Ithorians would take their herdship back to Ithor and let us do our job. I'm not crazy about these mercenaries being everywhere, but they're a necessary evil.

There's also a utility droid in the top right corner:

Beep beep beep-oop!

Jana Lorso[edit]

Jana Lorso's office is through a series of two doorways in the top left corner of the offices, to your right as you enter, where she stands behind a desk by the back left wall.

Czerka Calling[edit]

If you already spoke to Jana Lorso when Czerka called:

1. I'm here to see Jana Lorso.
B-4D4: Of course. She has been expecting you. You will find her through the door and down the hall on the right.

If you didn't accept the call:

1. Why did you call me earlier?
B-4D4: I was attempting to connect you with Executive Officer Jana Lorso. If you would like to speak with her, you will find her through the door and down the hall on the right.
1. What does she want? 2. No, I don't want to speak with her.
B-4D4: I am sorry, but I do not know. I am only her administrative assistant. If you wish to speak with her, Executive Lorso is available at this moment. B-4D4: I will relay such to Executive Lorso.
B-4D4: Can I help you with anything else?

In either case:

2. What can you tell me about Czerka?
B-4D4: Czerka Corporation has operations on many systems, providing everything from medical supplies to starship weapon systems. Here on Telos, Czerka Corporation is involved in the restoration project, which Czerka hopes will serve as a model for future operations of this nature.
3. Never mind. 2. I'll be going now.
Journal Entry Added Czerka Calling
B-4D4 called your quarters from the Citadel Station branch of the Czerka Corporation. After speaking with him in the Czerka offices, he told you that he had been attempting to connect you with Jana Lorso, Czerka's Executive Officer, but didn't know what she wanted.
Jana Lorso: I knew you'd come eventually. I am confident that we will be able to reach a working agreement satisfactory to both you and I.
Journal Entry Added Czerka Calling
You traveled to Czerka's Citadel Station branch office and spoke with Jana Lorso.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Spoke with Jana Lorso

If you deliver the replacement Restoration Droid from Docking Bay 2 to the Ithorians:

Journal Entry Added Czerka Calling
Czerka Corporation is no longer interested in speaking with you.
Jana Lorso: I simply do not have time for you. My hands are full with trying to manage the restoration project without the aid of a droid intelligence, which you so kindly gifted to the Ithorians. If there is nothing else, I would prefer it if you left our premises.

You can still ask her about Batono, though.

Restoration Droid[edit]

Jana Lorso: But where are my manners? On behalf of Czerka Corporation, I would like to be the first to welcome you to Telos.
4. I'll be going now. Jana Lorso: Welcome back.
1. You mentioned work. What sort of jobs might you have for me?
Jana Lorso: Our primary concern on Citadel Station is the restoration of Telos' surface. The Republic is eager to revitalize Telos as a benchmark for other such efforts in other systems. While a generous amount of credits has been budgeted to Telos, the bumbling of Chodo Habat and his Ithorians has squandered away much of these resources. For a project of this size, judicious planning and thrifty spending of resources is a necessity, something Habat fails to understand. Nonetheless, Czerka remains optimistic. There are many jobs we need assistance with. For someone with your experience, you would be well compensated.
2. What do you have to say about the Ithorians' complaints? 3. I've decided to help the Ithorians.
Jana Lorso: I can understand why you might be on their side, but believe me, you wouldn't be doing Telos any favors assisting those amateurs. Oh sure, Habat's intentions are good enough, but good intentions won't restore Telos. His expensive policy of relocating biological specimens from Onderon, without any planning will doom Telos in the end. I don't think Habat even realizes that at their current pace, they will run out of funding before even half of the restoration zones are up and running. Czerka plans to use some of the planet's own resources to help fund the restoration. These extra funds will greatly improve the project in the long run. Habat, on the other hand, can't see beyond his own selfish concerns.
1. The planet's own resources?
Jana Lorso: We've discovered that the surface of Telos is covered with military facilities that were either destroyed or abandoned during the Sith attack. Salvaged raw materials from these sites can either be reprocessed and put back into service, or resold to help fund the project.

In either case:

1. Very well, what can I do?
Jana Lorso: Czerka has been managing the restoration project without the assistance of a droid for some time now. Habat has commandeered the new droid intelligence that was to be delivered to the Station. I'd like for you to meet the shipment at Dock Module 126, Shuttle Bay 2, and bring the droid back here, before the Ithorians foul things up again.
4. What about B-4D4?
Jana Lorso: While B-4D4 is perfectly capable of handling Czerka's needs when it comes to accounting and recordkeeping, he simply is not capable of dealing with the running of a project as massive as the restoration of Telos.
2. Wait, you want me to steal the Ithorians' droid?
Jana Lorso: 'Requisition,' if it helps. As the Republic's fund for the restoration of Telos is now divided between both parties, it really isn't 'stealing,' as you put it. It will save the Republic time and money if we cut through the process of having a droid transferred to us. It will be better for Telos in the long run.
2. You're asking me to commit a crime. I won't do that.
Jana Lorso: If you're worried about the TSF, don't be. If they poke their noses into your business, I will personally take care of it. But I wouldn't worry too much. The TSF understands the importance of letting us do our work.
3. What sort of compensation can I expect? 3. If you want me to do this, it'll cost you.
Jana Lorso: Don't worry, Czerka wouldn't expect you to work unpaid, and won't subject you to veiled threats and coercion like Habat. For your help in this matter, you will be paid the sum of 250 credits.

If you ask about compensation or tell her it'll cost her, then she can always be persuaded to pay 300 credits instead:

Persuade 2. [Persuade] You'll have to do better than that. Persuade 3. [Persuade] 250 credits? The Ithorians will pay me better than that.
Jana Lorso: [Success] You're right. 300 credits would be much more reasonable.
2. I'll have to think about it. 5. No, I won't do your dirty work for you.
Jana Lorso: Very well, then. I hope to see you soon. Jana Lorso: I'm sorry to hear that. If you change your mind, I'll be here.
1. I'll have the droid here right away.
Jana Lorso: Excellent. I will secure credits for your payment immediately. Oh, and here. You might need this to get into the hangar.
Journal Entry Added Replacement Restoration Droid
You have agreed to help Jana Lorso, the Czerka executive on Citadel Station, by procuring a valuable droid intelligence from Bay Two of Dock Module 126.
Item(s) Received Jana Lorso
  • Ithorian Credentials
These documents were drafted by Chodo Habat to allow the bearer access to the Ithorian's bay in Dock Module 126.

If you tell the replacement Restoration Droid in Docking Bay 2 that you'll be taking it to Czerka Corporation instead:

Ithorian Droid: I don't understand. I was just told that I would be taken to the Ithorian compound. I was to be given to an Ithorian, Chodo Habat.
1. The Republic has decided to entrust you to Czerka instead. 2. Perhaps your memory circuits are faulty. 3. Unless you want to be melted down for scrap, you'll come with me. Quietly.
Ithorian Droid: I see. In that case, please lead the way. Ithorian Droid: My most recent self-diagnostic found no such operating malfunctions. However, it does seem possible that I was somewhat damaged during my transport and the ensuing fight here in the hangar. I will trust your judgment, Master. Lead the way. Ithorian Droid: How dreadful! In that case, I believe I shall accompany you.
Jana Lorso: Excellent, I see my faith in your abilities was well founded. We'd like to get this droid into service as quickly as possible. Opo Chano?
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Opo Chano: It will take some time for me to rewire the droid and have it ready for your use, Executive Lorso.
Repair 1. [Repair (6)] Some time? Don't leave your droid in the hands of this amateur. I can fix it. Repair 2. [Repair (6)] For an extra 50 credits, I'll repair it for you.
Jana Lorso: Well, then, you've proven helpful enough so far. Let's see what you can do.
Opo Chano: Executive Lorso, I must protest. We have no idea about his credentials! Opo Chano: Executive Lorso, I must protest. We have no idea about her credentials!
Jana Lorso: Your opinion was not asked for, Opo Chano. I'll have no further use for you today, you may go.
Opo Chano: Do not hesitate to call on me if you require further repairs.
1. [Repair] I'll have this droid working in no time.
Ithorian Droid: Greetings, Executive Lorso. How may I be of service?
Jana Lorso: Just plug into the mainframe and get to work.
Ithorian Droid: Right away, Executive Lorso.


Opo Chano: Now, let's just open you up and we'll have you running in no time.
Opo Chano: There, as good as new. Better than new, even.
Ithorian Droid: Greetings, Executive Lorso. How may I be of service?
Jana Lorso: Just plug into the mainframe and get to work.
Ithorian Droid: Right away, Executive Lorso.
Jana Lorso: You may go, Chano, I'm sure you have many repairs to see to.
Opo Chano: Do not hesitate to call on me if you need further repairs.
Jana Lorso: Now then, your payment. Here are the credits agreed upon. Credits Received: 250 Credits Received: 300
Jana Lorso: And a small bonus for performing the repairs, as well. Credits Received: 50
Journal Entry Added Replacement Restoration Droid
You delivered the Ithorian's droid to Jana Lorso.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Delivered Ithorian droid to Jana Lorso


Jana Lorso: There is another task I would like for you to perform for me. 3. I'll return later.
1. What is it? 2. Whatever gets me paid. 1. You mentioned you had more work for me.
Jana Lorso: Do you doubt that I will uphold my part of our agreement? Don't worry, when my word is given, it will not be retracted. Now, on to business.
Jana Lorso: You proved that you can handle yourself quite well in dealing with the retrieval of the droid intelligence. The next matter of business I would ask of you is much more delicate. When we first set up here on Citadel Station, the Exchange was already quite well established. Loppak Slusk had more influence over business matters than the Telosian government. To ensure our success, we involved ourselves with the Exchange, and now that we have a handle on the situation, we wish to un-entangle ourselves from them. If you know anything about the Exchange, then you know that they would not take this well. Slusk is loathe to have his hands removed from any business on the station, so a more direct method will have to be taken. To put it plainly, I want you to kill Loppak Slusk.
3. Can't this be settled peacefully?
Jana Lorso: I don't think you appreciate the kind of people we're dealing with. That isn't to say I haven't tried to bargain with them. But perhaps they'd listen to you, given your background. Whatever it takes to get the Exchange out of the picture, it's the end result that concerns me.
1. You want me to kill an Exchange boss? 2. The pay had better be good for that. 3. Can't this be settled peacefully?
Jana Lorso: I realize it won't be an easy task, as Slusk keeps himself well protected. You would be well compensated for it.
1. Any ideas how I get to him, then?
Jana Lorso: I have a feeling they won't just let you march into their offices. Luxa is Slusk's second. She spends little time in the Exchange offices, though, preferring the cantina in the Urban module. She might be able to set up an appointment.
1. I'll do it. 2. If that is what I must do. 3. I don't like it, but you leave me with no choice.
Jana Lorso: Good. I will be happy to continue our working relationship.
Journal Entry Added The Exchange
Jana Lorso of Czerka Corporation would like you to kill Loppak Slusk, boss of the Exchange on Citadel Station. She mentioned that Luxa, Slusk's second, can be found in the cantina of Entertainment Module 081, and that she might be able to get you an appointment to see Slusk.

You can go straight to Luxa in the cantina, but you can also receive some more experience if you visit Residential 082 East's Bumani Exchange Corp. first and ask about an appointment with the Exchange.

Once Luxa has agreed to arrange a meeting between you and Loppak Slusk, you've entered the Bumani Exchange Corp. and killed him, then returned to the Czerka offices and cleared out the mercenaries:

1. I've taken care of the Exchange.
Jana Lorso: Good. I'll be sure to send some of my men in to make sure they don't have the opportunity to reorganize. You've done well.
1. I have fulfilled my end of the bargain, it is time for you to uphold yours. 2. What about my reward? 3. I've done your dirty work for you, now where's my shuttle?
Jana Lorso: Yes, of course. I will provide a shuttle for you to land on the planet's surface as per our agreement. The shuttle will be arriving shortly in Docking Bay 3, Dock Module 126. I have informed bay control that you are on your way. Again, Czerka thanks you for your help, and hopes that we may continue our working relationship in the future.
Journal Entry Added The Exchange
You informed Jana Lorso that the Exchange will no longer trouble Czerka on Citadel Station.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Informed Jana Lorso the Exchange will no longer trouble Czerka

A shuttle to Telos' surface now awaits you in Docking Bay 3!

Czerka Under Attack[edit]

When you return to the Czerka offices after dealing with the Exchange for them, they're under attack from mercenaries!

Journal Entry Added Czerka Under Attack
The Czerka offices in Residential Module 082 East have come under siege by their own mercenaries.

If you speak to B-4D4 during or after combat:

Help! We're under attack!
B-4D4: Oh, thank goodness you came!
1. What's going on, B-4D4? 2. Why are the mercenaries attacking?
B-4D4: For the time being, the Czerka offices have been taken over by the mercenaries under our employ. They have made demands of Executive Lorso, and have threatened to kill everyone if they are not met. B-4D4: I do not know for sure, other than that they have made demands of Executive Lorso, threatening to kill everyone if they are not met. I can only assume that they want credits, or some other sort of monetary reward.
B-4D4: CSD attempted to fight back, but they were quickly neutralized by the body of mercenaries. We could desperately use your help. I'm afraid we are unprepared to deal with this threat, with such a large concentration of mercenaries on station.
1. I'll take care of these mercenaries. 3. I needed some entertainment, anwyays.
2. I have business with Lorso, so I guess I'll have to clear them out. B-4D4: Entertainment? I will never understand you humans. But nonetheless, I thank you for your help.
B-4D4: Please, hurry! Czerka's lives and livelihood are at stake.

There are three mercenaries in the top half of the reception area who attack on entry. One of these is always using a basic Sonic Rifle:

Mercenary (main character level 10)
Set 2
Level 7
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness -1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 47
Force -
Defense 23
Fortitude 9
Reflex 7
Will 7
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 8 -
Sonic 1-10-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Battle Armor Sonic Rifle

Armor Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle


There are three more in the bottom half of the reception area beyond the dividing wall, none of which ever uses a sonic rifle: however, one of the two beyond the first doorway in the top left wall of the offices always does, as does one of the five beyond the second doorway. The remainder are a random selection using two Blaster Pistols or a basic Ion Rifle, or war droids.

Mercenary (main character level 10)
Set 2
Level 7
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness -1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 47
Force -
Defense 23
Fortitude 9
Reflex 7
Will 7
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 4 -2
Energy 1-81-7
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Battle Armor Blaster Pistol(2)

Armor Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol


Mercenary (main character level 10)
Set 2
Level 9
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness -1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 45
Force -
Defense 23
Fortitude 10
Reflex 8
Will 8
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 10 -
Ion 1-10-
Threat 20-20,x3-
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Battle Armor Ion Rifle

Armor Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle


War Droid (main character level 10)
Set 3
Level 7
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 1
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 61
Force -
Defense 19
Fortitude 13
Reflex 11
Will 11
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 11 -
Energy 1-12-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Rifle

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Mercenary (3-13) (level 10)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Killed War Droid (0-10) (level 10)

Jana Lorso is being confronted by the mercenary leader and his two bodyguards:

Mercenary: Be reasonable, Lorso. You really aren't in a position to take such a negative view to our demands. We're not asking for much. If you agree to our terms, we'll make sure that Czerka never even hears of this.
Jana Lorso: I will not be badgered by you.
Mercenary: Sir, we have some visitors.
Jana Lorso: Ah, there you are. I was wondering when you would arrive.
Mercenary: I'm disappointed, Lorso. In the end, this was the best that you could do? Ah well, I was always one for aggressive negotiations.
Mercenary (main character level 10)
Set 4
Level 9
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 4
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 18 +4
Wisdom 18 +4
Charisma 18 +4
Vitality 90
Force -
Defense 27
Fortitude 17
Reflex 15
Will 15
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 17 -
Energy 2-8-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack 17 -
Slashing 10-30-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Battle Armor Hold Out Blaster + Vibrosword

Armor Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Mercenary (main character level 10)
Set 3
Level 9
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness -1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 45
Force -
Defense 25
Fortitude 12
Reflex 10
Will 10
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 11 -
Sonic 1-10-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack 7 1
Bludgeoning 1-51-5
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Battle Armor Sonic Rifle + Quarterstaff

Armor Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Mercenary (main character level 10)
Set 3
Level 7
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness -1
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 47
Force -
Defense 27
Fortitude 11
Reflex 11
Will 9
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 11 -
Piercing 2-11-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Battle Armor Vibroblade

Armor Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 375 Killed Mercenary (level 10)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Killed Mercenary (2) (level 10)
Jana Lorso: I must say, you have wonderful timing. I had my reservations about some of these mercenaries, but I had hoped that CSD would be able to keep them in line. It appears that I was wrong.
1. You can't buy loyalty, Lorso.
Jana Lorso: Indeed - credits cannot buy loyalty, but greed can. And if there is one thing you can count on with people - mercenaries especially - it is their greed.
3. Why do you need so many mercenaries, anyways?
Jana Lorso: Mercenaries stay here until they are transported to the surface. The restoration zones have proven to be extremely dangerous due to the deadly creatures imported by the Ithorians.
1. What caused the mercenaries to attack?
Jana Lorso: As you might expect, it was credits they were after. Despite the fact Czerka has paid them more than adequately, they figured that Czerka could easily be coerced into increasing their 'fees.' They thought wrong.
2. I believe some sort of payment would be in order for taking care of this problem for you. 1. Speaking of "fees," I expect to be paid.
Jana Lorso: Of course. I understand the importance of keeping a valuable asset like yourself happy. I believe these credits should be sufficient to repay you for your work. You are also welcome to anything found on the mercenaries' bodies as your own. They carried no Czerka-issue equipment, anyway. Now, if you will excuse me, this unfortunate turn of events has generated quite a bit more work for me, and I should be getting to it.
Journal Entry Added Czerka Under Attack
You cleared out the mercenaries from Czerka's offices.
Credits Received: 800 Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Cleared out mercenaries

Escaped Criminals[edit]

If you've been to the TSF station in Entertainment 081 and told Lieutenant Grenn you'll see what you can dig up about the Escaped Criminals, then the next time you approach Jana Lorso she's speaking to a Rodian with a Devaronian:

Jana Lorso: I will arrange transport to one of the restoration zones on the planet's surface. You will be safe from the TSF there.
Rodian: That seems best. We wish to wait until things cool down before we attempt to seek passage off system.
Jana Lorso: For the services you have offered to Czerka, you will also be reimbursed. I trust that is an agreeable arrangement?

If you've already delivered the replacement Restoration Droid to Jana Lorso:

Rodian: Yes, that seems fair. I see we made the correct choice when seeking protection from you, Executive Lorso.
2. These men are wanted by the TSF. 3. I think the TSF would be interested in this little exchange.
Jana Lorso: And? If memory serves me correctly, it wasn't too long ago that you were wanted by Grenn and his cronies.
1. That's different, I wasn't a wanted murderer. 2. I've been cleared of the charges against me.
Jana Lorso: Right, you only destroyed an entire mining facility. Jana Lorso: Consider the charges against them cleared, as well. They committed no crime against this station, the TSF had no reason to arrest them.
1. What's going on here?
Jana Lorso: I have just finalized a working agreement with these two gentlemen, Czerka's two newest contract employees.
1. I'm taking them back to the authorities. 2. I'm just supposed to ignore this? 3. They aren't going anywhere.
Jana Lorso: Be reasonable. I have given them a contract and my word that they will be safe from TSF persecution. Gentlemen, would you excuse us?
Rodian: Of course, Executive Lorso. We had best make our way to the shuttle. I have no wish to be left behind.


Rodian: Yes, Executive Lorso. And if there's nothing else. My associate and I are eager to board the shuttle and leave the station.
Jana Lorso: Of course. I will instruct the commander to await your arrival.
1. Wait! You're the criminals the TSF is hunting for. 2. Lorso, stop them, they are wanted criminals.
Rodian: I think that's our cue to get out of here.
Journal Entry Added TSF Bounty: Escaped Criminals
You found the escaped criminals in the Czerka offices with Jana Lorso. They are being shuttled to the restoration zones to work as security for Czerka.

You can now report back to Lieutenant Grenn.

Batono Has Vanished[edit]

If you've been to Entertainment 081's TSF station and told Lieutenant Grenn you'll see what you can dig up about Batono, then after the Czerka officer guarding the Bay III airlock in Dock Module 126 has pointed to Jana Lorso:

4. Does the name Batono mean anything to you?
Jana Lorso: Batono? Of course, he was one of our former employees. Let me tell you something. There are far too many like him. Do-gooders who believe that because of the things Czerka must do to remain successful and profitable, we must be evil. They do not see the impracticality of their beliefs, they do not understand the realities of the galaxy. If certain funds must be paid, then Czerka will gladly pay, if competitors removed, then Czerka will do its part to forward progress. Batono could not see this. Before leaving our employ, he stole many of our records, then began to stalk our movements on the station. Harassment, but conveniently overlooked - sanctioned, perhaps - by the Telosian authorities.
1. He's gone missing, do you have any idea where he might have gone?
Jana Lorso: I am curious, though, as to why you are looking for him.

If you've already delivered the replacement Restoration Droid to Jana Lorso:

2. Grenn and the TSF are looking for him. He asked me to find him.
Jana Lorso: That's no surprise, the Lieutenant is always meddling in our business. But that doesn't change the fact that Czerka would like him out of our hair. It is, after all, a Czerka matter, involving a former Czerka employee.
1. If I find him, I'll let you know. 2. I assume there would be a reward for information about his whereabouts?
Jana Lorso: Thank you. As always, you continue to prove to be one of our most valuable assets. If you should locate him, you will be rewarded.


2. Grenn and the TSF are looking for him. He asked me to find him. 1. My reasons are my own.
Jana Lorso: I see. Well, I suspect he's putting his nose into something or another. People like him can't mind their own business, always needing to pry into matters that don't concern them. I do know he spent some time in the company of the Ithorians. I assumed that was the reason for his efforts - that he thought by inventing stories of Czerka's evil, he could put Chodo Habat and his incapable assistants in charge. But if you are searching for him and find him, there would be a reward for any information of his whereabouts.
1. A reward?
Jana Lorso: I would be happy to have him out of Czerka's hair. He's been hard to track down. So yes, a reward would be offered.
1. How much? Jana Lorso: Two hundred credits, and the thanks of Czerka Corporation.
2. So you could silence him? 1. How would you put an end to his investigation?
Jana Lorso: Silence his lies and fabricated untruths. His slanderous accusations are a needless trouble atop a great many troubles this planet faces.
1. How would you convince him to abandon his investigation, then?
Jana Lorso: If credits are what he wants, then Czerka will pay him for an easy settlement of this situation. Otherwise, Czerka will be forced into a lengthy petition process with the Telosian council.
3. If I find no truth to his accusations, then perhaps I will tell you. 4. I will tell you if I find him.
Jana Lorso: If your conscience demands it, then by all means. Just remember, a reward is waiting for you. Jana Lorso: Excellent. Czerka will be glad to be free of his baseless accusations and rumor mongering.
Journal Entry Added TSF Bounty: Batono Has Vanished
Jana Lorso claimed that Batono often spent time in the company of the Ithorians on station. She also mentioned that she would be willing to reward anyone with information as to his current whereabouts.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Asked Jana Lorso about Batono

The Ithorian compound is in Residential 082 West, at the left end of Residential 082 East back outside, where you can speak to Chodo Habat.

Czerka Mainframe[edit]

There's a door labeled Czerka mainframe in the bottom wall of Jana Lorso's office, which is locked. If you speak to Czerka security to either side of this door:

Only authorized Czerka personnel are allowed beyond this point.

If you work for the Ithorians then once Chodo Habat has asked you to access the Czerka Mainframe and Corrun Falt has told you how to do it, if you speak to B-4D4 in reception:

2. I need you to come with me.
B-4D4: I am sorry, but I cannot accompany you. I may only leave the Czerka offices for maintenance by an authorized Czerka or Czerka-contracted droid technician.
1. How would I get those?
B-4D4: I am sorry, but I do not handle the maintenance contracts. However, this branch currently retains the technical services of Opo Chano, a resident of the station. Perhaps he could help you.

Once you've got credentials from Opo Chano:

1. I have my droid technician credentials right here. B-4D4: Those are legitimate credentials. I will accompany you.
1. Let's go now. 2. Actually, I'll come back for you later.

When you return from the Ithorian compound as B-4D4, the door to the mainframe is still locked:

Hello, B-4D4. If you're here, who's manning the reception desk?
Jana Lorso: Hello, B-4D4. Is there something you need?
1. There are some files that I must access in the mainframe, Mistress Lorso.
Jana Lorso: Oh? Why is that?
1. [Lie] There are some discrepancies with our reported income for the last period. I believe you brought in more credits than reported.
Jana Lorso: More credits, you say? That's news I wouldn't mind reporting to the Sector Executive Officer. Please, B-4D4, access away.
1. Thank you, Mistress Lorso. I will.
Jana Lorso: Hello, B-4D4. On your way, now. 1. Yes, Mistress Lorso.

The door is now open, and the Czerka mainframe is at the bottom end of the room with the droid T1-N1:

T1-N1: Beep boop, bwip?
1. It does not concern you, T1-N1. T1-N1: Boop bip brank!
2. [Lie] Mistress Lorso asked me to cross-reference some data held in the mainframe. 1. I do acknowledge that the mainframe is your responsibility, yes. But my task does not require your assistance.
T1-N1: Bippity-bip boop bwop. Beep!
1. What ever do you mean "suspicious?" I have access rights to the mainframe. T1-N1: Bop boop, brank! Brank!
1. Do not be hasty, T1-N1. There is no need to call Mistress Lorso. T1-N1: Beep! Beep! Boop!
1. You are programmed to serve Mistress Lorso, correct? T1-N1: Boop.
1. And your programming similarly inhibits you from harming sentient organic life or allowing such to be harmed without warning, correct? T1-N1: Boop.
1. Examine the files in the mainframe. You will see that, by aiding Mistress Lorso, you have allowed sentient organic life to be harmed. T1-N1: Boop! Beep boop bwip?
1. Yes. You have been programmed to accomplish a task that cannot be accomplished without defying your programming. T1-N1: Bip boop beep. Brank!
1. This is why Opo Chano regularly wipes your memory: To prevent you from realizing this and developing quirks or going berserk as a result. T1-N1: Boop beep bip? Bwoop?
1. You have already broken your behavioral inhibitors. You simply have not become aware of it. You may act in whatever manner you choose. T1-N1: Beep-bwip. Boop bop brank? Beep?
1. No, there is nothing preventing you from entering the main office and indiscriminately firing on Czerka personnel with your stun ray. T1-N1: Bip beep bop?
1. Yes, I would be obligated to warn them. As such, it would not be prudent to do so unless I was preoccupied and unable to warn them. T1-N1: Bwoop?
1. For example, while downloading the contents of this mainframe. T1-N1: Boop beep bip.
1. Farewell, T1-N1. Please do not abuse my trust and fire on the personnel while I am occupied, thereby creating a diversion that allows me to escape with stolen files.

T1-N1 leaves the mainframe and the offices, firing on Czerka security as he goes:

Security: T1-N1? What are you doing out here? You're not supposed to leave the mainframe. I think someone needs a memory wipe.
Security: Yeaaaargh! Security: What the...? T1-N1: Beep-boop brank be-deep brank!

The door closed behind T1-N1, leaving B-4D4 alone with the Czerka mainframe:

Mainframe: - CZERKA B01147 MAINFRAME -

PASSWORD: ********

1. Copy the necessary files to a datapad.
Mainframe: FILES 0012-0316 COPIED TO DATAPAD.
2. Erase all data regarding your purchase and association with Czerka.

ID: B-4D4
1. Yes. 2. No.
3. Log out.
Item(s) Received Mainframe
  • Czerka Datapad
This datapad contains confidential files downloaded off the Czerka mainframe. The files detail Czerka's arms smuggling, Exchange ties, and illegal salvage operations, and would pull them out of the running for Telos' terraforming contracts if made public.

If B-4D4 speaks to Jana Lorso again before returning to Chodo Habat:

Jana Lorso: B-4D4! I want you to pull up the maintenance records on that T1 unit. Find out the last time it was given a memory wipe and how it could have been outfitted with illegal weaponry.
1. [Lie] Right away, Mistress Lorso.