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File:KotORII Map Suburban (082 West).png
Map of Residential Module 082 West

As the Ravager approaches Telos, you and Atton meet Lieutenant Grenn in the medical unit of one of Citadel Station's residential modules after traveling there from Atris's academy on the planet below:

Lieutenant Grenn: Well what do we have here? I didn't believe it when Linu reported the Ebon Hawk had docked, but I guess it really has. Though given the trouble we've been having, maybe I shouldn't be surprised to see you.
Alignment 30 or less Lieutenant Grenn: You look terrible, what happened to you? Some sort of plague going around?
Azkul: You were looking for me, Grenn? Zherron: Lieutenant Grenn, Sith forces have breached the module and are attempting to pen us up in the compound.
Lieutenant Grenn: About time you showed up - the Sith are moving to keep us trapped in here. We need to push them back so we can get reinforcements deployed to the rest of the station.
Azkul: Sounds like you need someone to punch a hole for you. Lieutenant Grenn: Damn! Zherron, I need you and your men to break through and lead the assault.
Lieutenant Grenn: That's the idea, yes.
Azkul: All right then. You'll have one Sith-sized hole coming up. Let's go, boys. Zherron: With pleasure, Lieutenant. All right, follow me!
1. How did this happen?
Lieutenant Grenn: It came out of nowhere. A fleet of warships dropped out of hyperspace, and before we could scramble fighters to intercept them, we were under attack. There were Sith fighters everywhere, and the few flights we sent out were barely launched when the bombardment began. We did our best, but we couldn't stop the landing craft that followed the initial wave. We couldn't hold back the Sith troops. We chose to retreat and began the evacuation instead.
Lieutenant Grenn: It's a good thing you got us that fuel from Sleheyron, because if we didn't have it, we'd probably be falling apart.


Lieutenant Grenn: Then there's also the fuel situation.
1. Right, no fuel from Peragus. I know. 2. What's going on? 3. Are you still blaming me for Peragus?
Lieutenant Grenn: Look, can't we leave the past behind us? We need to deal with the situation we have now, and whatever I might think about you, I'm going to set that aside. But now, we have a different problem.
Lieutenant Grenn: Because we don't have enough fuel, we won't be able to keep the station in orbit and operational, and fight off the Sith at the same time. We'll try to make the best of what we have left, but it's going to be cutting it pretty close!

In either case:

Lieutenant Grenn: But there's still another problem. The Citadel's no battle station, it wasn't built to withstand this sort of attack. If we can't stop the attack, we'll be going down in flames. The Sith numbers seem limitless, but we haven't lost all hope. We've heard reports that we might be receiving some assistance.
1. Have you heard any word of reinforcements? 2. We need to get to the Ravager.
Lieutenant Grenn: When we put the call out for help, Zherron arrived with a small complement of militia from Khoonda in Dantooine.
Lieutenant Grenn: A squad of troops sent by Queen Talia are currently trying to keep the Sith from sabotaging the station's fuel system. Lieutenant Grenn: A small detachment of soldiers sent by General Vaklu arrived to take the fight to the Sith.
Atton: Does this mean you won't be putting us into force cages again?
Lieutenant Grenn: If you need to get to the Ravager, then you're going to have to fight your way to the shuttle from here to the Entertainment module, then make your way to the docking shuttle.

You stand with Atton in the top right corner of the room to the right of the medical unit. If you speak to Lieutenant Grenn again:

Lieutenant Grenn: Look, this is no time for talking. If we don't push the Sith back or get the Station evacuated in time, this is going to be a disaster.

Medical Unit[edit]

The medical unit is through the doorway in the top left corner of the room, where you'll find the Ithorians Chodo Habat and Moza.

Chodo Habat: Name! Thank goodness are here. You must help us. If the Sith are not stopped, they will destroy the planet. All our work will be for nothing.
1. What happened?
Chodo Habat: After you left the Station the first time, the situation of Telos became greatly improved. Eventually, the Telosian Council acceded to our complaints, and Czerka was ordered to cease their operations. From what I understand, they have relocated to other rebuilding planets in the Outer Rim. This is regrettable, and I hope that their influence does not spread far. Things looked so promising, and now it looks like our efforts may all be for naught.
1. You should get off the station, Chodo.
Chodo Habat: No, I will not leave this planet. I will stay here to the end. Moza, you should leave, however. If Telos is lost, another planet will need the help of our herd.
Moza: No, Chodo, you are not the only one who has suffered for this planet. We will stay.
Chodo Habat: Then it is the lives of my herd, and the life of this planet that you will save.
2. I will drive the Sith away.
Chodo Habat: Truly? But how can you hope to defeat a force so vast and powerful. I'm afraid it is too much for a few to accomplish. Perhaps it is the destiny for Telos to suffer, for it seems the Sith will not relent until it is destroyed.
1. I'll be going now.
Don't worry about me, we are unimportant to this current struggle. You must go, the fate of a planet rests in your hands.

If you speak to Moza:

You must help us, Name. This planet has survived much in its sad history, and should not be consigned to this fate.

There are also two TSF officers here, and another two in the next room through the doorway in the bottom wall.

Good luck, ma'am. We're counting on you. Good luck, sir. We're counting on you.

Ithorian Compound[edit]

Leave Lieutenant Grenn through the doorway in the bottom wall and you'll find Mandalore waiting in the corridor:

Mandalore: I must leave you for a time to gather my Mandalorian warriors. We will rejoin you when the time comes for the assault on the Ravager.
1. Watch your back. 2. See you soon. 3. Can't stand the heat?
Mandalore: Don't worry about me, I can handle myself just fine. Look after your own health. Mandalore: Watch yourself. I'll soften up the way for you, but I won't be here to hold your hand. Mandalore: Is that your idea of a joke? Don't be a fool. I'll meet you at the shuttle.

He cloaks and leaves. If you open the Party Selection screen you can remove Atton and add someone else, but if you try to add Mandalore:

The party member you have selected is currently unavailable to join the party.

The main body of the Ithorian compound is through the doorway in the right wall at the bottom end of the corridor.

Fuel Sabotage[edit]

If you sided with Queen Talia on Onderon then you'll find Captain Major Riiken in the middle of the Ithorian compound:

Major Riiken: So we meet again! I hardly expected to see you again here of all places.
1. What are you doing here, Captain Riiken? 2. I seem to have a talent for finding trouble.
Major Riiken: Major, actually. And I have you to thank. Queen Talia saw fit to promote me for my service. Major Riiken: That you do! But also a talent to take care of it, from my experience. But really, I must thank you. I'm a Captain no longer. Queen Talia saw fit to promote me to Major in thanks for my service.
Major Riiken: When the TSF sent out a distress call, I gladly volunteered to lead a strike force.
1. Where is the rest of your force?
Major Riiken: My troops have already gone ahead and infiltrated the Urban Module. From their last transmission, they are almost to the TSF station.
1. Why are they going there? 2. I'm headed there as well, perhaps they will be able to join up with me.
Major Riiken: Lieutenant Grenn informed me that the Sith are attempting to sabotage the fuel control systems, which would take the station out of orbit. Major Riiken: It's a possibility, but right now, we need them to stop the Sith from sabotaging the fuel control systems.
1. Why is that?
Major Riiken: If the Sith succeed, it won't matter what we do, Citadel Station won't be able to stay in orbit.
Major Riiken: At the moment, that seemed to be the most pressing need. The TSF do their jobs well, but they are not professional soldiers. They're not properly equipped to deal with this. My men have come under heavy attack in the Urban Module and taken some casualties. If they can't accomplish their mission, we'll be in some trouble.
1. I'm heading for the shuttle there.
Major Riiken: In that case, if you find my men and they are in need of assistance, please help them.
1. I will see what I can do. 2. They'll have to handle themselves, I have to take the fight to the Sith.
Major Riiken: All right, but remember. If they fail, there won't be anything left to save.
Major Riiken: This is probably not the best time for idle conversation.
1. Do you have any idea what's going on?
Major Riiken: We received a distress call from Citadel Station about a Sith attack, requesting assistance. Because of the relative unimportance of the planet, there's not much in the way of defenses. Queen Talia was quick to realize that it would be wise not to let the Sith establish a foothold in the Rim, so she dispatched the troops she could spare to assist.
2. I'll be going now.

If you sided with General Vaklu then you'll find a Vaklu leader in Major Riiken's place:

Vaklu Leader: These TSF officers are ill-equipped to handle the threat of the Sith. It is lucky General Vaklu dispatched us.
1. Vaklu sent you? 2. "We?" I see only one of you here.
Vaklu Leader: Indeed. General Vaklu was eager for revenge for the Sith betrayal.
Vaklu Leader: I led a moderate sized group of shock troops, who are currently making their way to the fuel containment systems in the station's Urban module. My men have ran into some significant Sith resistance, however. If you're heading that way, they could use a hand.
1. Why the fuel containment systems?
Vaklu Leader: The Sith are trying to sabotage the control system, to crash Citadel Station into the ground. If that happens, there won't be anything left to save.
1. I will see what I can do. 2. They'll have to handle themselves, I have to take the fight to the Sith.
Vaklu Leader: All right, but remember. If they fail, you'd better hope you're not on the station. It's a long drop to the surface.
Vaklu Leader: What is it?
1. Do you know what's going on?
Vaklu Leader: Other than the Sith attack? Look out the window! For some reason, the Sith decided that razing Telos to the ground wasn't enough. I don't know why they're here, but they seem pretty determined to destroy Citadel Station.
2. I'll be going now.

In either case:

Journal Entry Added Fuel Sabotage: Bonus Mission
The Onderon Leader has informed you that Onderon troops are attempting to stop the Sith's attempt to sabotage Citadel Station's fuel control system.


The empty vivarium is through the doorway in the top right corner of the main body of the Ithorian compound, then through the doorway at the top of the corridor.

Residential Module 082 East[edit]

The exit to the main body of the Ithorian compound is in the middle of its top wall. If you defended Khoonda on Dantooine then, as you approach, Zherron addresses three of the Khoonda militia:

Zherron: All right, men. The Sith are trying to hole us up in this compound. We need to break through, or our reinforcements won't be able to move out. Now let's punch a hole in this Sith barricade!
If you want to get through to the eastern part of the module, you'd better get going.

If you attacked Khoonda then Azkul addresses three of his mercenaries instead:

Azkul: Well, boys. The TSF's in over their heads and they need us to rescue their hides. Simple enough. We just need to get out there and face down a squad of Sith soldiers. Time to earn our pay.
My boys will have the way cleared for you in moments.

Zherron or Azkul remain, but the three militia or mercenaries exit. When you follow them, the two TSF officers in the reception area run to Residential Module 082 East at the right end of the hall outside. The militia or mercenaries run left, where there's a line of mines and floating mines across the hall.

Awareness Average Frag Mine (5) Detect 15 (-5) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)
Awareness Vitality Defense Fortitude Reflex Will
-2 6 8 4 -2 -2

Once a floating mine detects you, it approaches and explodes, inflicting variable piercing damage which can be halved if a successful Reflex save is made against DC 15.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 25 Killed Floating Mine (6) (level 28)

There are also five Sith assassins at the left end of this hall:

Sith Assassin (main character level 28)
Set 3
Level 21
Class Sith Assassin
Alignment 25 (dark)
Awareness 2
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 136
Force -
Defense 35
Fortitude 29
Reflex 31
Will 28
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 24 22
Sonic 3-123-12
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Attack 23 21
Bludgeoning 3-183-18
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Sonic Pistol(2) + Quarterstaff

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Two-Weapon Fighting


The Sonic Pistols have no On Hit: Attribute Damage Dexterity.

Sith Assassin (main character level 28)
Set 3
Level 21
Class Sith Assassin
Alignment 25 (dark)
Awareness 2
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 153
Force -
Defense 35
Fortitude 29
Reflex 31
Will 28
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 24 22
Unstoppable Ion 3-183-18
Threat 20-20,x318-20,x2
Attack 23 21
Bludgeoning 3-183-18
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Disruptor Pistol Ion Blaster + Quarterstaff

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Two-Weapon Fighting


The Ion Blaster has no Ion vs Droid.

Sith Assassin (main character level 28)
Set 2
Level 21
Class Sith Assassin
Alignment 25 (dark)
Awareness 2
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 136
Force -
Defense 32
Fortitude 26
Reflex 28
Will 25
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 27 -
Energy 6-36-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack 22 20
Bludgeoning 3-183-18
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Repeating Blaster Rifle + Quarterstaff

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Two-Weapon Fighting


Sith Assassin (main character level 28)
Set 2
Level 21
Class Sith Assassin
Alignment 25 (dark)
Awareness 2
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 195
Force -
Defense 32
Fortitude 28
Reflex 28
Will 25
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 27 -
Unstoppable 3-30-
Threat 18-20,x2-
Attack 22 20
Bludgeoning 3-183-18
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Disruptor Rifle + Quarterstaff

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Two-Weapon Fighting


Sith Assassin (main character level 28)
Set 4
Level 21
Class Sith Assassin
Alignment 25 (dark)
Awareness 6
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 18 +4
Wisdom 18 +4
Charisma 18 +4
Vitality 255
Force 84
Defense 41
Fortitude 33
Reflex 34
Will 32
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 27 25
Energy 4-406-42
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Attack 27 25
Energy 14-10210-98
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Heavy Blaster(2) + Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber Two-Weapon Fighting

Drain Force 34

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 225 Killed Sith Assassin (2) (level 28)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Killed Sith Assassin (2) (level 28)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 450 Killed Sith Assassin (level 28)

The sealed module door in the top wall behind them is locked.