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File:KotORII Map Valley of Dark Lords.png
Map of the Valley of Dark Lords

Ebon Hawk[edit]

As you leave the Ebon Hawk for the first time, the camera pans across the Valley of Dark Lords. Kreia may remain on board, but she still speaks to you telepathically:

Kreia: The structures you see around you are the plundered tombs of the ancient Sith Lords. Each tomb was once infused with the history and heritage of the old Sith Empire, containing great mysteries and powerful relics of the Force. However, even the many traps could not long hold back the curious, the fools, and the weak. And so these tombs fell, spilling their secrets into the hands of those unable to comprehend or preserve them.

Atton landed at the top end of the valley: the first of many skeletal corpses is visible to your left. When you first approach this skeletal corpse, or any other in the valley, Kreia speaks again:

Kreia: The broken corpses before you are all that remain of the Sith on Korriban. I doubt there is much to be gained from looting these bodies. It would be best to leave them be.

If you don't leave it be:

Kreia: Fool! You've disturbed the spirits of this place, and they have sent their guardians!
1. What are these guardians?
Kreia: Hssiss are semi-intelligent beasts, corrupted and strengthened by prolonged exposure to the dark side. As creatures of the Force, they have a limited ability to mask their presence. Hssiss are drawn to suffering and carnage. They must have fed on all the corpses left over from the war here on Korriban. The angry phantoms of the Sith, too weak to influence the sentient, have taken these Hssiss as thralls to their will.


2. These creatures shouldn't be much challenge. Influence Lost: Kreia (-8)
Kreia: Hmph! Hssiss are enough to humble even an arrogant one such as you. Test yourself if you must, but try not to die.

Three of these Hssiss appear around the corpse (although they're invisible if Frame Buffer Effects are on):

Hssiss (main character level 26)
Set 4
Level 19
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 8
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 18 +4
Wisdom 18 +4
Charisma 18 +4
Vitality 229
Force -
Defense 37
Fortitude 31
Reflex 31
Will 31
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 31 -
Slashing 8-44-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Grave Robber
Grave Robber
Looted a body on Korriban
Item(s) Received Skeletal Corpse
  • ?
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Hssiss (3) (level 26)

There's another skeletal corpse to your right, behind the first row of pillars:

Item(s) Received Skeletal Corpse
  • ?
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • ? Killed Hssiss (3)

There's also one directly ahead of the Ebon Hawk's ramp, behind the second pillar:

Item(s) Received Skeletal Corpse
  • ?
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Hssiss (2) (level 26)

Kreia speaks again when you first approach the blocked entrances to any of the four tombs in the valley walls, or the excavation site near its bottom end. If you don't ask her to tell you more:

2. Enough with the history. Be silent. Influence Lost: Kreia (-8) 3. Let's move on.
Kreia: Ah, the arrogance and ignorance of youth. There will come a day when you'll wish you'd learned from mistakes in the past.

If you tell her to be silent after the first time, she no longer speaks when you approach any of the tombs or the excavation site.

Tomb of Tulak Hord[edit]

After turning to face the Ebon Hawk, the blocked entrance to the tomb of Tulak Hord is in the upper right corner of the valley. As you approach it, Kreia speaks (unless you've already told her to be silent):

Kreia: This was the tomb of Tulak Hord, known as the greatest lightsaber duelist of the Sith Lords.
1. Tell me more.
Kreia: His skill was considered remarkable even in his time, when many true lightsaber masters lived.
1. Are you saying modern Jedi are poorly skilled with the lightsaber?
Kreia: If you were to face an ancient Sith Lord in combat, you would learn that we are as children playing with toys compared to the prowess of the old Masters.
2. What made him so good?
Kreia: That is unknown. But supposedly he created a holocron to teach his technique to other Sith. The holocron would have been laid to rest in his tomb. Unfortunately, Tulak Hord's tomb was among the first penetrated by the graverobbers of the new Sith order. If the holocron has survived, I doubt anyone living would know its location.

Tomb of Naga Sadow[edit]

After turning to face the Ebon Hawk, the blocked entrance to the tomb of Naga Sadow is in the upper left corner of the valley. As you approach it, Kreia speaks (unless you've already told her to be silent):

Kreia: Ahead lies the Tomb of Naga Sadow, successor to Marka Ragnos, and the Sith Lord responsible for nearly conquering the Republic in the Great Hyperspace War a millennia ago.
1. Tell me more.
Kreia: More recently, this tomb was where Revan confronted Uthar Wynn, the leader of the Sith Academy. When Revan left Korriban, the Sith Academy was thrown into turmoil - with their leader gone, many fought for the right to rule. And so the Sith here turned on each other, resulting in the carnage you can see covering the surface of this valley.

Tomb of Marka Ragnos[edit]

After turning to face the Ebon Hawk, the blocked entrance to the tomb of Marka Ragnos is in the lower left corner of the valley. As you approach it, Kreia speaks (unless you've already told her to be silent):

Kreia: Before you is the tomb of the great Sith Lord Marka Ragnos, a half-breed who possessed tremendous strength, both physically and in the Force.
1. Tell me more.
Kreia: Ragnos held power for over a century, using his cunning to turn his enemies against each other. His death left a great vacuum of power. We're standing close to the spot where Naga Sadow first confronted Ludo Kressh to vie for domination of the Sith. Their struggle nearly resulted in a civil war that would have torn the Sith apart before they ever threatened the Republic.
1. It sounds like civil wars are common among the Sith.
Kreia: Yes. It is the way of the Sith. They must continually test their strength against each other... even if it means destroying themselves.
1. So what happened between Sadow and Kressh?
Kreia: As fate would have it, a pair of hyperspace explorers from Cinnagar landed on Korriban. Naga Sadow manipulated the Sith into believing they were a sign of impending Republic invasion. This fear resonated with many Sith who were discontent with the lack of expansion of the Sith Empire during the reign of Marka Ragnos. Thus Naga Sadow became Ragnos' successor.

There's a skeletal corpse to the left of the entrance:

Item(s) Received Skeletal Corpse
  • ?
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Hssiss (2) (level 26)

There's another in the middle of the valley between the tombs of Marka Ragnos on the left and Ajunta Pall on the right:

Item(s) Received Skeletal Corpse
  • ?
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Hssiss (3) (level 26)

Tomb of Ajunta Pall[edit]

After turning to face the Ebon Hawk, the blocked entrance to the tomb of Ajunta Pall is in the lower right corner of the valley. As you approach it, Kreia speaks (unless you've already told her to be silent):

Kreia: This way leads to the Tomb of Ajunta Pall, a fierce Sith Lord. According to legend, the blade proved more fearsome than the Master, leading to his demise.
1. Tell me more.
Kreia: Ajunta's dark specter lived on through the centuries, until Revan entered the Sith Lord's tomb in search of the blade.
Kreia: Revan sent Ajunta Pall's spirit into oblivion and claimed the blade for herself. Kreia: Revan sent Ajunta Pall's spirit into oblivion and claimed the blade for himself. Kreia: Revan calmed the angry ghost of Ajunta Pall and showed him the path back to the light.

If Revan was redeemed and showed Ajunta Pall the path back to the light:

Awareness 1. [Awareness (12)] You sound like you disapprove.
Kreia: One who has fallen so far, and done so much evil does not deserve redemption. In a way, such a turning from one's nature is cowardly, a betrayal of the self.
1. No one is beneath redemption, Kreia. No one. 2. Ajunta Pall was a fool. The dark side sustained him even beyond death and Revan tricked him into surrendering to oblivion.
Light Side Points Gained: +2 Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Influence Gained: Kreia (+8)
Kreia: Perhaps. But redemption is a form of spiritual collapse, a fall few recover from. Kreia: Yes, redemption is merely a form of spiritual collapse, a fall few recover from.


1. What became of the blade?
Kreia: Unknown. Some have suggested that the blade led Revan to her demise, as it did Ajunta Pall. That is only speculation, however. Where Revan wanders now... is knowledge that only Revan holds. Kreia: Unknown. Some have suggested that the blade led to Revan's demise, as it did Ajunta Pall. That is only speculation, however. Where Revan wanders now... is knowledge that only Revan holds.

As you approach the excavation site at the bottom right end of the valley, Kreia speaks (unless you've already told her to be silent):

Kreia: Here you can just barely see the Sith archaeologists' efforts to uncover relics of the ancients.
1. Tell me more.
Kreia: The new Sith order sought to progress quickly by finding objects of power. I can only imagine what was lost forever due to the carelessness of these excavators. Now the excavation has been almost completely undone by five years of wind and sand. So does Korriban protect its secrets.

A skeletal corpse has been excavated:

Item(s) Received Skeletal Corpse
  • ?
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Hssiss (3) (level 26)

Shyrack Cave[edit]

At the bottom end of the valley is an arch formed by the pillar on your left collapsing against that on your right. There's a skeletal corpse part way up the slope beyond this arch:

Item(s) Received Skeletal Corpse
  • ?
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Hssiss (2) (level 26)

At the top of this slope is the entrance to a small canyon, with a shyrack cave in its right wall.

Hidden Power[edit]

When you first approach the entrance to this shyrack cave, the other two in your party will comment on it before Kreia:

Atton: Ennnh... what's that stench?
Mandalore: You smell that? It's the scent of death and overpopulated beasts coming from that cave.
Visas: Listen - the wind from the cave tells of great power within... recently awakened.
Atton: Yes, a great powerful stench.
Mira: Please tell me we aren't going in there.
Disciple: The valley we just came from was full of dark energy, but this cave is darker still. Handmaiden: That cave... it almost has a presence about it. Evil, almost hungry.
G0-T0: The mangled droids here are... well, quite mangled. Perhaps it would be unwise to disturb whatever lies within these caves.
T3-M4: Beep bee twew? Dwoo.
HK-47: Observation: This cave is infested with shyracks, a species of easy-to-kill winged pests. They shall prove useful for testing my blaster accuracy ratio.
Kreia: There is great power and dark energy within this cave.
Level 1-9 Level 10-50
Kreia: You are not yet strong enough to face what lies within this cave. We should return here when you are more powerful. Kreia: I would advise you to finish your explorations within the Academy before venturing into the cave.
Journal Entry Added A Hidden Power
Kreia told you that there is great power coming from a cave on Korriban. She said you aren't strong enough to face what lies in the cave. You should return when you are more powerful.
Journal Entry Added A Hidden Power
Kreia told you that there is great power coming from a cave on Korriban. She advised you to explore the Academy before venturing into the cave.

Two shyracks appear from the cave.

Shyrack (main character level 26)
Set 2
Level 19
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 4
Strength 6 -2
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 6 -2
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 202
Force -
Defense 29
Fortitude 22
Reflex 25
Will 23
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 22 -
Bludgeoning 1-10-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Shyrack (2) (level 26)

You can ignore Kreia's advice and enter the Shyrack Cave, if you like.

Sith Academy[edit]

The canyon keeps winding to the left beyond the Shyrack Cave, leading to the entrance to the Sith Academy, which is guarded by three Tuk'ata and a Deadly Tuk'ata: all have Force Resistance 32, so they'll always resist Force powers unless you're level 11 or higher.

Deadly Tuk'ata (main character level 26)
Set 3
Level 19
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 9
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 163
Force -
Defense 31
Fortitude 28
Reflex 28
Will 28
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 26 -
Bludgeoning 4-13-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Force Resist 32 Regeneration1



Tuk'ata (main character level 26)
Set 3
Level 19
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 6
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 6 -2
Constitution 6 -2
Intelligence 6 -2
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 106
Force -
Defense 28
Fortitude 25
Reflex 25
Will 25
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 29 -
Bludgeoning 7-16-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Force Resist 32 Regeneration1



Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Deadly Tuk'ata (level 26)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Tuk'ata (3) (level 26)

When you first try to enter the academy, the other two in your party can comment on it before Kreia:

Atton: Looks like somebody left the doors of the Academy wide open. I have a bad feeling about this.
Mandalore: Hmm... This looks like a trap, if I've ever seen one.
Visas: This door was left open on purpose. Someone is expecting us.
Mandalore: Hmm... This looks like a trap, if I've ever seen one.
Mira: The hairs on the back of my neck are standing up. Are you sure we need to go in there?
Disciple: These Tuk'ata were once trained to serve the Sith here. Handmaiden: It seems unlikely the Jedi Master we are looking for is within - I see no tracks, no disturbance of recent travel.
G0-T0: I just realized there was a business transaction I needed to make, back at the Ebon Hawk. Surely, you can do without me here.
Kreia: You can expect more than these beasts within the Academy. Be prepared.

Once you enter you won't be able to change your party, or return here to do so.